Well, as I mentioned in my last post, my Sister L and I took a two week road trip covering 2,702 miles visiting family. We had fun, I missed J, my Sister missed her boyfriend, and my truck did its job. We scheduled weekends for the grandchildren so we left early Friday AM for a nearby VA hotel.
Our first stop was to visit two of my grandchildren - and of course my Son A and Daughter-in-law H. Saturday when we arrived we played with the children, ages 6 and 8, and then in the afternoon we cheered the Patriots to a win while we scoffed down six boxes of pizzas. Sunday I helped my Son work on a few projects for the children . . . god do I love working with him. We are developing an adult-to-adult relationship moving out of the father-son relationship. A good thing. (Sorry I don't post pictures of my grandchildren at the request of their parents).

Thursday was our time to be alone and visit Myrtle Beach and at least say we did the Boardwalk. Unfortunately, it being the not-yet-tourist season, most of the places were closed. But we found a few places that were open. We had drinks (notice the plural use of the word drink) in one place, and supper in another. I love oysters on the half shell and ate a dozen of them - yummy. All told we had a good but chilly day. Hey, I thought the south was supposed to be warm!

On the road again . . . to FL and a seven plus hour drive to the hotel. A bar and restaurant were right next door, so that is where we headed. After a couple of stiff drinks (notice that plural again) we didn't feel so tired and our sore butts seemed just fine after all the driving.
Saturday we headed to my Daughter-in-Law's house to visit three grandchildren ages 4, 6, and 8. Boy did they sprout up since last I saw them. At first things were a bit awkward with Daughter-in-Law P since she and my Son are in the middle of a divorce. But the ground rules were set in advance with Son D and his soon-to-be-ex: No discussing the divorce or taking sides - just talk about the children and play with them . . . and we did . . . and they were great. We had some wonderful Grandpa time. Saturday we had take-out Chinese food and played Monopoly until one the the children went bankrupt. Sunday we took everyone to the movies to see Alvin and the Chipmunks and then out for dinner. It is a sad thing when small children are in the middle of a divorce, but they were great and everybody was managing the single parent environment exceptionally well.

Tuesday wasn't too bad coming around the DC ring bypass highway. By the time we reached NYC things were well under control and we had an easy drive home. My friend plowed my driveway and shoveled a path to the front door. What a guy!
A great adventure, perhaps more than we wanted with the snow, but it was wonderful to play with my grandchildren and see my other Sister. Praise God for a safe journey.
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